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Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

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Sports physiotherapy is an advanced service designed to assess and treat sports specific injuries. Athletes and sporting individuals can put high stress on their muscles, joints and bones to achieve greater performance levels. This can sometimes lead to injuries due to increased biomechanical imbalances which can affect overall performance.

Our sports physiotherapy service can address both acute and chronic injuries and not only help individuals to recover but also provide education in order to avoid further injury in the future.

Below are 5 top tips for managing acute sports injuries:-

  1. The most important thing you should do following injury is to reduce or eliminate any aggravating activities.
  2. If the area is swollen or inflamed you should apply ice and compression within the first 48 hours of injury.
  3. You should stop any strenuous exercise to avoid further injury to the painful area.
  4. As your symptoms begin to settle you should slowly increase your activity levels or seek the guidance of a medical professional prior to commencing this.
  5. If your symptoms do not improve within 2 weeks, book an appointment with one of the team so we can assess your injury further and provide a rehabilitation programme. This will ensure a safe return to your sport.


There are many benefits of sports specific physiotherapy which can enhance overall performance and reduce the risk of injury. Benefits such as quicker pain relief, improved flexibility, increased strength and stability of affected joints and reducing scar tissue formation can help to improve overall function.

Recent studies have shown that if a sports injury is left untreated it will take longer to heal and will likely cause more chronic symptoms in the future such as early onset of arthritis.

If you return to regular exercise before an injury has healed you will disturb this process, aggravate pain and prolong your recovery. This can make your symptoms much harder to resolve and may result in residual symptoms despite treatment. Therefore, it is very important to act quickly and arrange treatment as soon as possible.

Here at Pro-Form Physio & Fitness we have many year’s experience of treating sporting individuals with a range of sports injuries and will utilise a variety of treatment methods such as joint and soft tissue mobilisation, passive stretching and flexibility exercises, tailored exercise programmes, soft tissue massage, taping and providing orthotics to aid recovery.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us now for more information.

We also offer free 10 minute consultations over the phone to discuss individual cases and can provide you with advice on what service may be beneficial to you.

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